Meeting standards aims to raise awareness among European SMEs and SME organisations about the importance of standardisation and getting involved in the standards writing process. Moreover, the aim is to inform SMEs about the latest developments in standardisation that may be of relevance to them.
The campaign will consist of different types of activities organised by standards and SME organisations across Europe.
The campaign takes place once a year and lasts one week.
Raise awareness of importance of standardisation among SMEs & get them involved
Inform SMEs about the latest developments in standardisation of relevance to them
The campaign to become THE European SME and standards yearly event
Yet SMEs do not have a strong enough voice in ensuring that their needs are taken into account in the standards writing process. This is important as the final standard might therefore place unnecessary or inappropriate requirements on SMEs.
SMEs are facing some challenges when it comes to standards, namely:
Small Business Standards (SBS) is a European non-profit association co-financed by the European Union and EFTA Member States.
SBS was established in 2013 to make the standardisation system as inclusive, transparent and open as possible in line with Regulation 1025/2012 of the European Standardisation System.
Its mission is to:
The association represents the interests of 12 million SMEs through 22 SME member organisations.
SBS has some 70 qualified experts covering key industry sectors. These experts, annually appointed through an open call, represent European SMEs in more than 220 Technical Committees, Subcommittees and Working Groups at the European (CEN, CENELEC and ETSI) and international levels (ISO and IEC). These committees cover areas such as cosmetics, personal protective equipment, electric bikes, construction works and products, digital technologies, advanced manufacturing, radio equipment or circular economy.
Visit SBS’ website to find out more about its work and activities.
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